New War Memorial
Thanks to the generosity of Mr John Lay, the village now has a War Memorial dedicated to the fallen of Fyfield and Tubney in the two great Wars. The Parish Council provided the surrounding groundwork and a bench for visitors to sit in contemplation.
The memorial war dedicated in a short ceremony on the 11th November 2022 led by the Vice Lord Lietenant of Oxfordshire, Mr Brian
Buchan. Mr Buchan and Mr Lay both laid wreathes. The village Rememberance Service culminated around the new memorial on the following Sunday.
Queen's Jubilee Tree.
Following on from the Remeberance Day service, Miss Phillis Corke planted an oak tree to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. The tree replaced a diseased cherry tree that had been planted to celebrate the coronation.

Public Access Defibrillator
The Parish Council and the Village Fete Committee have just acquired a Public Access Defibrillator with the aid of a grant from Scottish and Southern Electricity. This has been installed in Fyfield Church porch.
Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
There is a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme covering most of the Parish. Small areas are allocated to local coordinators who are in contact with their neighbours who are members of the scheme.
Watch members are regularly informed of potential issues via a cascading email. Groups of members will be represented by a local co-ordinator who will receive the email directly from the police and can then forward it within the group. Members without email would be given a printed copy.
If you are not currently a memebr and would like more information or to become a member, please contact the Clerk who will get your local coordinator to make contact.
Roadside Weeds and Silt
Despite our efforts to get the District Council to clear weeds and silt from the roadside gutters, they have steadfastly pleaded a lack of funds to do the job. It seems that the only way we can keep the village tidy is to do it ourselves. If those residents who are able can clear the gutter outside of their property then this would further enhance the visual appearance of the villages.
Notice Boards
The Clerk and one of the local Councillors hold keys to the notice boards. Details may be found on the boards. Providing there is space, non Parish Council notices can be displayed. Please contact one of the key holders to arrange access. Alternatively, email your notice to the Clerk. Notices should preferably be printed on A5 rather than A4. The Clerk can reduce your notice if required.