© Copyright 2011 Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council

Councillors and Clerk

Parish Councillors

Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council is served by six councillors. Currently, these are as follows;

  • Mrs Penny Budgen, Old Farm House, Fyfield. 01865 390 817
  • Mrs Claire Cable-Alexander, 14 St Johns Close, Fyfield. 07970 552 129
  • Mr Nicholas Keene, Clanfield, Netherton Lane, Fyfield. 07964 678 981
  • Dr Dimitrios Hatzis, Cedar House, Abingdon Road, Tubney. 07887 763 621
  • Dr Sarah Stanhope, 9 St Johns Close,Fyfield. 07977 476 361
  • Mr Alan Woodward, Copse Cottage, Oxford Road, Tubney. 01865 390 457

Register of Member's Interests

The Register of Member's Intersts for all councillors is held by the Vale of White Horse District Council. It may be viewed on their website under the section covering this parish.

Code of Conduct

The Council has adopted the Oxfordshire Councillor Code of Conduct 2022 available here.

Parish Clerk

The Parish Clerk is Dr Stephen Fraser, Walnut Tree Cottage, Fyfield, Abingdon, OX13 5LN. He may be contacted on 01865 390 582 or by email. The Clerk is responsible, amongst other things, for organising all Parish Council meetings, maintaining the minutes, maintaining the Council Finances and liaising with the District and County Councils. If you have any issues that you feel should be brought to the attention of the Parish Council, please raise them either with the Clerk or one of the Councillors.

Email a Councillor or the Clerk

To email a Councillor or the Clerk, please use one of the following email addresses.