© Copyright 2011 Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council

Public Access Defibrillator

The parish has aquired a Public Access Defibrillator with a grant from Scottish & Southern Electricy's Resilient Communities Fund.

The installation of the defibrillator is an excellent example of cross community co-operation:

  • Scottish & Southern Electricity provided the bulk of the purchase price with a grant from their Resilient Communities Fund.
  • The Church requested, and was granted, a 'Faculty' (the ecclesiastical equivalent of listed building consent) to install the device and cabinet.
  • The Village Fete Committee funded the electrical installation within the porch and is paying for new permanent location signage for the area.
  • The Parish Council paid for a seven year supply of consumables (defibrillator pads, medical pack and battery) and arranged for three training sessions.

If you have an emergency in which you think someone's heart has stopped, it is essential that you telephone the emergency services immediately. The ambulance operator will ask some questions about the casualty to determine if they require Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). If that is the case, you will be asked to start CPR immediately. If there is someone else with you, they will be told where the nearest available defibrillator can be found. Speed is of the essence. The sooner CPR is applied and a defibrillator is used, the better the casualty's chances of survival.

The village defibrillator can be found inside the porch of St Nicholas Church, Fyfield.

Cabinet in Church Porch

Defibrillator Cabinet

The defibrillator is in a locked cabinet. You will have been told the key code that you need to open the cabinet by the emergency operator. The light in the porch should come on when you enter and there is a light inside the cabinet. However, a small torch or a mobile phone used as a torch would be useful in case of a power cut.

As well as the defibrillator, there are two laminated sheets guiding you through the use of the machine.

This is not the time to read them so download the usage notes and machine instructions now.

Take the defibrillator to the casualty, switch it on and follow the voice prompts.

Be assured that the machine will not let you shock someone who does not need it.

After use, please return the machine to the cabinet. To relock the cabinet, shut the door holding the handle down. Please ensure that the Parish Clerk is aware that the defibrillator has been used so that he can order new pads etc.

Inside Defibrillator Cabinet showing Defibrillator

CPR taeching session inside the Church

South Central Ambulance Service have given three excellent training sessions in CPR and the use of the defibrillator. As you can see, all members of the community were involved!

There are many publically accessed defibrillators in the country. SCAS have developed an app which indicates the location of all the registered machines in their area.

Download the "Save a Life" smartphone App for
Iphone: Visit the APP Store and search for 'Save a Life" or
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.nhs.scas.aed.