© Copyright 2011 Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council

Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council

The Parish Council is the focal point for passing on the views of residents on local issues and the provision of local services to the Vale of the White Horse District Council and to Oxfordshire County Council. The Vale of the White Horse District Councillor for the Hanneys Ward covers this Parish.

The Parish Council consists of six Councillors elected for a four year term. The Council appoints the Clerk who administers the affairs of the Council between meetings and is the responsible officer for Council Finances.


The Council meets in public, four to six times a year, customarily on a Wednesday , in the upstairs room of The White Hart Public House, Fyfield, at 7.30 pm. Dates of the meetings are posted on this website and regularly updated.

Dates and times can sometimes vary but the Notice and Agenda for each meeting are always displayed on the village notice boards at least 3 days in advance. At that time, the Agenda is also available on this website.

An Open Forum session is usually held either before or after each meeting to allow members of the public present to speak and raise any points of general concern to the village.

Minutes of meetings are ratified at the following meeting and then are made available on this website.

The Annual Parish Meeting

Each year, the Council is legally obliged to call a Parish Meeting. This is usually held in May but the date may vary. It is not a meeting of the Council but an opportunity for all residents to attend to hear reports from the Council and to raise any other village matters they wish to air.

Web Problems

If you have any problems using this website, please email the Clerk explaining the error.